Monday, May 31, 2010

Suffering Trachy

I got five trachys shipped to me from a guy in Atlanta. I originally thought that I was getting seeds, instead I got seedlings.

I got the palms out of their envelope when I received them about three weeks ago. Now some are doing okay in protected areas, but one out front looks like hell. I has gone to war like those others I have out, but it has been crushed and even faced down snow.

Now it is Memorial Day. I wonder if this trachy will become a faint memory? Is it root rot or just the way I planted it? Perhaps just fate. Oh well I had to vent. Now I feel better. Kirk posted just before me and I saw his cholla hell.

Wow dude be careful out there. And he is going for another cholla. These are not small cacti if you have been in the Mojave, Sonoran or lower Great Basin. They are nasty and will "bite" back. But I can relate to my Front Range buddy.

As for me I will begin the grieving process for my little palm. On a great note my prickly pears begin to produce beautiful flowers of red.

Ah the irony. God bless the US Military and those who have served our country this Memorial Day on my last note.

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