Monday, August 27, 2012

Yes, We're Back

Kirk and I had tried to give up blogging and form a rock band "The Prickly Pears." Originally we were a hit. We played Idaho Falls, Idaho, Baker City, Oregon, Paragonah, Utah, Bennett, Colorado, and a bar for Kansas State groupies in Manhattan, Kansas.

Alas the pressure got too great and so we broke up. Kirk became catatonic and went into a major depression, had a knee scope, and had a battle with "Walking Sticks" a kind of mean ass cholla.

I took up dressing in drag, but when they learned I was straight they kicked me out of the Glee Chorus Line. After that my family deserted me for pretending to be a drag queen.  I got a job at a KFC, but that didn't work. I don't like to bake chicken, I eat chicken. So I was fired.

Kirk and I are back.  We reunited, like Tears for Fears, hashed this blog out to last decade's House music and here we be back on Cactus and Yucca Rebel.  Now there are two of us who blog here. Why the single name?  Because I goofed up setting it up. But you can reach us both under the obvious alias "Desert Rats."

So enjoy some new articles about cactus, yucca, and everything tropical and odd. Yes we are global warming enthusiasts. God controls the Earth's climate, we just enjoy longer summers and can't wait for Obama to leave the Oval Office.

Now being visual learners we believe in pictures. So if you are intellectual, this is not the blog for you. Please email us with your thoughts and ideas or critiques. If you piss us off we will gladly delete your comment. Assholes are not welcome. Constructive critics are.

Thank you,

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